Thursday, May 21, 2015

Toinen käsi - The Left hand

Ja tässä toinen käsi, ehkäpä nämä ovat nyt paistovalmiit. Sitten kasvojen kimppuun, ryppyjä, ihohuokosia, kurttuja... tein PVA-liimalla appelsiininkuoresta ja nahasta "leimasimia", niillä saa aika kivaa pintaa aikaiseksi, käytin nahkaleimasimia myös käsissä. Tosin näkyvin osa käsien ihokuvioinnista on tehty neulatyökalulla, mutta nahkakuviointi on siellä pohjana.

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And here is the left hand, I think these are ready for oven now. Then the face... wrinkles, dents, pores... I made stamps from PVA-glue on orange peels and leather, the stamps make quite accurate skin texture, I used the stamps of leather on the hands too. Although the most of skin texture on the hands is made with needle tool, but the leather texture is there on the bottom.


  1. What a wonderful idea, to make stamps for skin texture! It looks so realistic! I am enjoying your posts so much, please continue with your progress, and posting. xoox Christel

    1. I saw a video of making skin textures and got the idea from there. He used mold-making silicon for the stamps, I don't have it so I used glue. :) Worked well.

  2. I am a sculptor but cannot begin to equal your realism! I love watching your progress. Your work is fabulous! I have never used orange peel for texture. Good idea. I just use sponges and a whisk broom at times. Thank you so much for this inspiration.

    1. Thank you! I didn't use orange peels or leather directly, but made stamps from them with glue. I saw a wideo of makinf stamps of different textures. Works really well... orange stamp will be just perfect for the face skin texture.


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